Page name: History of Inari [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-01-13 02:45:43
Last author: Wes Foxx
Owner: Wes Foxx
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The Legeands of Inari: Act II

The chapters have all been planned out and are being written from Act I onwards instead of starting at 4 and then going back to 1.

~More specific info about Inari is available at The Legeands of Inari


People appearing in this story

The main character, of course, he has just finished his training to control his powers when his memories start to surface.

Collection One: Inari's Legacy

Act I - Lost Origins
What would you do if you awoke one day without memory, as a kitsune in a world full of furries? (COMPLETED!)
Act II - Sword of Memories
Inari's first truly heroic quest as he tries to unlock the powers held deep within himself

Collection Two: Humanity's Demons

Act III - Light & Shadows
A tale of Inari's fight to remain sane as his mind rages between good and evil
Act IV - The Crystal Saga
The tale that started it all, a quest for power, justice, and peace in the face of looming odds
Act V - Black Echos
Just when you thought Inari had his life on track, his clouded past comes back to haunt him.

Collection Three: The Apocalypse Trillogy

Act VI - Tides of Mana
The consequences of the Crystal Elements is fully realized, and Inari must once again rise to the tasks of a hero.
Act VII - Flame of the Phoenix
Is this Alador's darkest hour, or will Inari be able to rise from the ashes victorious?
Act VIII - The Elemental Matrix
The elements of earth come together in a final, heroic maneuver to vanquish the greatest threat ever seen on Alador.

Act II : Sword of Memories teaser info



Act IV : Crystal Saga teaser info


~Atara Lota
~Xa' Tsuna
~Zanno - (Entry for RP contest)
This mysterious catgirl has some serious connections to Atara, but she, like another character, cannot remember them. As meek as she may seem, great power looms within, as is the way with most of the quiet ones...


~Alador City - This is where it all starts. A city that is showing the first signs of becoming a large town, it is quickly turning for the worse as crime slowly rises, mysterious murders, every group is at the others' throats' as a mysterious leader begins her sinister mission. (new info) Apparently Inari had a hand in helping to design the city's new construction sectors, and thusly knows it like the back of his hand. However, one building has been built just outside of the city limits of which he had no knowledge of...
~The Silverpaw Inn - This is where Inari has taken residence. The inn also serves as a pub and news center. It is as popular as it is notorious, though for some odd reason, no one has ever caused trouble there twice since Inari moved in.
~Avatar Inc. - Shortly before Alador began to fall to crime waves, this mysterious organization, its function unknown, arose in the heart of the city almost overnight. Those who reckless teens, trying to get a glimpse at what goes on within on dares, have seen many of the city's more powerful figures go in and go out. At least, most of them come out.
(new info) It seems that Inari has had many run-ins with this group before. (More to be reveiled when I post info on Acts I & II >>)
~Atara Deeps - Somewhere, deep in a twisting labarynth that doubles back upon itself many times over, sits an almost indomnitable fortress where Atara stays to mastermind her plans.

~Back to the Order of Inari Archives~
~Back to the Order of Inari~

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2005-02-19 [Wes Foxx]: I'm gonna post little bits and pieces of teaser info in here as I go along until I'm ready to post The Legeands of Inari: Lost Origins

2005-02-20 [Just Paula]: woot !!

2005-02-20 [Wes Foxx]: feel free to compliment/criticize/advise/ridicule/ask about the story stuff whenever you want to. It helps when i have feedback.

2005-02-20 [Wes Foxx]: I get alot clearer feedback if i see people are actually paying attention to this page too -stares disappointedly at the number of watchers counter-

2005-02-20 [Tiger Shark]: Hey Wes I think you're doing an awesome job so far ^^ just one thing, you should elaberate a little more on your main char, like describe what he looks like etc.

2005-02-20 [Wes Foxx]: Lol, thats the whole point of the Inari Contest, to see what people think he should look like. Though if there aren't any new posts in it by april, i'll submit my own after removing it from Art Contests and see if that will get anyone to try it.

2005-02-20 [Tiger Shark]: hmm*thinks* maybe I'll put in a pic..

2005-02-22 [Wes Foxx]: ~begins to write the outline for the first story~ i might have the first chapter posted by march at this rate oO

2005-02-23 [Wes Foxx]: UPDATES: Acts 1, 2, and 4 have been layed out. 12 new characters have been created, profiles and character sketches pending. New sketch completed for Act 4, awaiting scan. I have decided that I will be doing a character sketch for Inari, but not until all 8 storylines have been planned, and/or if the Inari contest has not had any new entrys by April 16.

2005-02-24 [Tiger Shark]:, Wes? why don't you just write it all down and get it published as a book? be a lot less hassle that way...profitable too...*cough*I need a good read- need a new book*cough*

2005-02-24 [Wes Foxx]: Because I'm not greedy like that; even if I got it professionally published, I'd STILL offer it as a free read online. I was inspired by writers who did likewise, and therefore I will do as much as they have and more.

2005-02-24 [Wes Foxx]: BTW, had a sweet idea to use in Act II, once I get that written I'm gonna be adding something new to all the members.

2005-02-24 [Tiger Shark]: you're a good guy wes. a very good guy. personally I'd use the profit for college funds << >>

2005-02-24 [Wes Foxx]: Yeah, well you'd be surprised how very very little of Wes actually shows up IRL. He blends in to the "regular" me when in face-to-face contact. IE, no one IRL has a clue about me online.

2005-02-24 [Tiger Shark]: ....okay

2005-02-24 [Wes Foxx]: In other words, if I publish it IRL it won't be for a while, not until I can do it independantly with a minimum of people I know personally IRL and not online involved.

2005-02-24 [Tiger Shark]: ....okay

2005-02-24 [Wes Foxx]: Id Est, Exempli Gratia, In other words, visa vi, concordently, likewise, also, etc >>

2005-02-24 [Wes Foxx]: dont mind me XP this late at night and my ADHD meds are totally worn off >_>

2005-02-24 [Tiger Shark]: *pats your back* it's okay, my sugar high should kick in soon.

2005-02-24 [Wes Foxx]: same here, possibly boosted by the weird hyper effects Chips & Salsa have on me @o

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